now , i have two dolls , one from my sister the other one from my boyfriend :))
Well , one day I watch television and I see Prasetya Mulya Bussiness School Scholarship
Than , the contestant say : I never work for money but money will work for me
The contestant so ambitious and I think stubborn and maybe little selfish , firstly I think he can get that scholarship because I see his confidence and he trust that he better than other contestants
But ,finally he can't get that scholarship why ? Because he over confidence and the scorer think he can't cooperative with other , because he want to be a leader at his team and that worst
From that event , I can get a new knowledge about sociality , we can be the best but we can't forget other people who support us to be the best :))
Don't become selfish and stubborn people , because they become poisoning you :))
That's all , that I can type on this note and maybe can give you something benefits
Thanks :))